Underground cylindrical tanks for Czech fuel station chain owner

Customers' countryCzech Republic

Designationfuel storage

Capacity45 m3

Interesting information about the project

The most common solution for storing liquid fuels underground is the standard cylindrical tank with convex dished ends and a diameter of 2.5 m. This type of tank was chosen by one of our customers – a company responsible for servicing the installation at a construction site of an owner of a filling stations chain in the Czech Republic. For this project we prepared 5 double-wall tanks with a length of 10 metres each. Each of them can hold 45,000 litres of liquid substances. They were equipped with a dry-method leak detection system. Externally, they were painted with Endoprene, which guarantees their durability and environmental safety.

The tanks were transported to the construction site of the new commercial fuel distribution points. Each tank has three chambers with different capacities. The two larger ones are designed for fuel storage and have capacities of 25,000 and 15,000 litres respectively. The third and the smallest one holds 5 000 litres and is dedicated to storing corrosive chemical substances. Although the tanks look like a typical product of this type, two special design characteristics are worth noting. Firstly, the smallest chamber is painted inside. This additional coating is intended to protect the chamber from aggressive substances stored in it. This further minimises the risk of leakage due to uncontrolled corrosion and increases the environmental safety of the tanks.

Secondly, at the customer’s request, one of the tanks was fitted with so-called zero foundations. This is a solution which is extremely rare in Poland. The purpose of zero foundations is to stabilise the position of the tank on the foundation slab, but without raising it above the surface. The other four ordered products were prepared without foundations.
